Every Need Warehouse Blog - Collecting Magic: Nutcrackers, Disney...
Neil David: Unveiling the Timeless Beauty of Kachina Art
Saddling the Imagination: Exploring the Timeless Legacy of C...
David Lemon: Exploring the Artistic Legacy of a Trailblazing...
Don Polland: A Tribute to the Life and Works of a Master Scu...
One of Polland's most notable works is the "Horse Thief" sculpture, which is located in front of the Coors Brewery in Golden, Colorado. The sculpture depicts a cowboy on horseback chasing a thief who has stolen a horse. The piece captures the action and drama of the Old West, and has become a popular landmark in the area.
Rich Roenisch: A Western Sculptor
The Wild West Art: Exploring the Most Collectible Western Sc...
Blog posts
Neil David: Unveiling the Timeless Beauty of Kachina Art
Saddling the Imagination: Exploring the Timeless Legacy of Charles Russell's Western Art"
David Lemon: Exploring the Artistic Legacy of a Trailblazing Western Sculptor
Don Polland: A Tribute to the Life and Works of a Master Sculptor
One of Polland's most notable works is the "Horse Thief" sculpture, which is located in front of the Coors Brewery in Golden, Colorado. The sculpture depicts a cowboy on horseback chasing a thief who has stolen a horse. The piece captures the action and drama of the Old West, and has become a popular landmark in the area.